Руфат Габибов, 37 years, education incomplete higher, experience more than 5 years, region - Baku, expect my salary to be at least 2500 AZN
İlkab Tağıyev, 20 years, education higher, experience less than 1 year, region - Baku, expect my salary to be at least 500 AZN
Cəmilə Eyvazova, 50 years, education higher, experience more than 5 years, region - Baku, expect my salary to be at least 100 AZN
Cavad İbrahimov, 26 years, education higher, experience from 1 to 3 years, region - Baku, expect my salary to be at least 100 AZN
Günay Əliyeva, 35 years, education higher, experience more than 5 years, region - Baku, expect my salary to be at least 900 AZN