İbrahim İsmayıllı , 28 years, education incomplete higher, experience from 1 to 3 years, region - Baku, expect my salary to be at least 300 AZN
Gültəkin Mirzayi, 33 years, education specialized secondary, experience from 3 to 5 years, region - Baku, expect my salary to be at least 600 AZN
Samir Quliyev , 24 years, education secondary, experience from 3 to 5 years, region - Baku, expect my salary to be at least 600 AZN
Zərifə Abbasova, 22 years, education secondary technical, experience from 3 to 5 years, region - Baku, expect my salary to be at least 700 AZN
Səbinə Məmmədova, 30 years, education incomplete higher, experience more than 5 years, region - Baku, expect my salary to be at least 800 AZN
Ləman Cəfərzadə , 30 years, education higher, experience less than 1 year, region - Baku, expect my salary to be at least 400 AZN
Narın Quliyeva, 22 years, education higher, experience less than 1 year, region - Baku, expect my salary to be at least 700 AZN